Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Well-Child Visits Guide And Support Children

The Staunton Clinic serves and provides care to kids of all ages. They also offer in-office immunizations for Commercial and Medicaid patients.

For children, well-child visits keep them updated on immunizations. To ask something that may be on one’s mind in regards to this process or to schedule an appointment today, call the Staunton Clinic, located at 444 N. Edwardsville St. in Staunton at (618)-635-3800.

For ages Zero to 11 months, a checkup on developmental milestones is performed or assessed. When should a little one make cooing sounds, recognize faces, sit without support and understand the word “no”? A doctor can pinpoint any problems early and suggest strategies to help. Advice on helping a baby sleep through the night is a common topic that they will be able to break down for a patient as well.

For ages one to four, a checkup on social skills occurs. This involves identifying any social issues such as trouble with following directions or sharing with others, as children get ready and begin settling into school. Developmental screenings can also discover potential learning disabilities as well as advice on the best practices for toddler toilet training.

For ages five to ten, the Staunton Clinic does safety checkups. Young students can practice reciting their address, phone number, and full names of their parents in case of an emergency to a trusted adult at a well-child visit. The doctor can also address using helmets, crossing the street and wearing sunscreen. They can also offer advice on how to encourage healthy eating and exercise.

For ages 11 to 14, a checkup on more serious issues takes place. This is a time of changing bodies and fluctuating hormones, so teens may be at risk for things like depression and eating disorders. A doctor can distinguish moodiness from something more serious plus offer advice on anything puberty-related.

For ages 15 to 17, Staunton Clinic doctors do a checkup on self-sufficiency. Encourage children to develop their own relationships with their doctor. They should be able to ask questions, they might feel uncomfortable asking their parent. Try having them schedule the appointment themselves. In addition, get advice on handling discussions about sex, drugs, alcohol and cigarettes.


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