Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Slowly Waving Goodbye To Another Summer; Screaming Hello To Staunton Night-Life



During Staunton’s city council meeting on Monday, Aug. 12, the city council highlighted the annual Balloon Glow festival, Ribfest and Strassenfest events these upcoming weekends. These three annual Staunton events ensure that the summer closes out with a bang.

In The City Clerk’s report, the on-site work for the Annual Fiscal Year Audit has been completed by C.J. Schlosser and Company. The complete audit should be finished by the end of Sept.

Under Public Health and Safety, council members approved the motion to pay Invoice #24C-159 to Brownlee Data Systems for annual Village Police Maintenance Software Agreement in the amount of $1,800.00 on Aug. 5, 2024 through Aug. 4, 2025.

In Finance and Claims, the council approved the motion for renewal of City of Staunton Employee Dental, Life, Vision, and AD&D Insurance from CBIZ Benefits And Insurance Services of Illinois effective Nov. 1, 2024 at a renewal rate of $58.23 per employee, per month (Principal Insurance Co.). This is the same renewal rate as last year.

In Utilities and Water, members approved the motion to pay Invoice #S1216267.003 from Schulte Supply for Stock Radio Read Meters and Antenna Assemblies in the amount of $11,886.40.

For Public Grounds, the city council approved Quote #EST-006569 from Print Media Corporation for Cast Aluminum Letters to be mounted at the Staunton Police Department in the amount of $2,868.54.

The city council approved the motion to terminate the Yard Waste Disposal Agreement with J-N-F Tree Service and Max B. Mullins Landscaping, Inc.

Under Tourism, the council approved the Motion spending up to $6,500.00 for Ribfest expenses, as budgeted.

The city council approved the Motion spending up to $10,000.00 for Balloon Glow expenses, as budgeted.

The city council approved the Motion spending up to $10,000.00 for Strassenfest Expenses, as budgeted.

Council members approved the Motion to hire Charles Lowe and Tyler McCracken as Full-Time Police Officers per recommendation by the Staunton Police Commission, and to authorize their attendance to the Southwestern Illinois College Police Academy.

In Special Committees, the Motion to reimburse B&S Market, Inc. (db/a Bill’s IGA) 75 percent of the completed expenses as outlined in the TIF Redevelopment Agreement, for a total of $7,153.50 (75 percent of $9,538.00) was approved. This amount exceeds 50 percent of the total costs incurred as of this time.

The city council approved the Motion to reimburse Jeff Roller, Staunton Chiropractic Clinic, 75 percent of the completed expenses as outlined in the TIF Redevelopment Agreement, for a total cost of $25,347.98 (75 percent of $33,797.30).

Under Judiciary, the city council approved Ordinance #2247 approving an increase in the number of Available Class A Liquor Licenses from 12 to 13.

The city council Motioned to wave the First Reading of Ordinance #2248 amending Chapter 27, Article 8 of the revised Code of Ordinances for the City of Staunton, Illinois prohibited unauthorized camping on public property within the City of Staunton, Ill. The council approved Motion Ordinance #2248.

The city council had the First Reading of Ordinance #2249 granting a zoning amendment for real property located at 401 W. Olive St., Staunton, Ill.

Council members Motioned to approve the Resolution #2024-25 authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement with the Blackbird Bakery, LLC.

Members Motioned to approve Resolution #2024-26 authorizing the execution of a redevelopment agreement with Bart and Patti Brauer.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, Aldermen Ryan Machota, David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, Kristy Berg, and Matthew McKee and Cindy Pirok, and Police Chief Joe Doerr was present via phone. The next Staunton city council meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 26,2024.

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