Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

The Average Hero That Lives In All Of Us



During the city council meeting on Monday, July 22, the council recognized the courageous and heroic act of Andrew Cisler by his quick thinking and heroic actions, saving Jadien Huhsman, his 21-year-old cousin.

On Sunday, June 30, Cisler saved Huhsman, his cousin, from a potential tragedy that was brewing. Huhsman had a seizure in the deep end of her family’s pool which caused her to disappear under the water. Luckily, Cisler was there not only to save the day, but his cousins life as well. His training from Boy Scouts and Eagle Scouts kicked in and he was able to immediately act, saving Huhsman from drowning. Cisler is a reminder that there is a hero within everybody.

Huhsman is epileptic and was diagnosed at a young age. Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes seizures or unusual sensations and or behaviors. Treatment assists in controlling these episodes.

This unplanned and alarming event has brought to light the Madison County Transit and the need to re-evaluate their transit. The family of Huhsman advocated the importance of having access to Madison County Transit. Re-evaluating this transit would save lives with unexpected emergencies just like Huhsman.

At age 3, on New Year’s Eve, Huhsman experienced her first seizure. Now 21, she has long hoped to be seizure-free and to discontinue her medications; something that will now not happen.

Despite this, her spirit and determination have remained strong. Huhsman is now stepping forward to raise awareness and support for people living with epilepsy and she's advocating for better resources. The incident on June 30 is a stark reminder of the unpredictable nature of epilepsy and the importance of awareness and readiness in such situations.

The Huhsman and Cisler families are encouraging the community to support efforts in promoting safety measures and resources for those affected by epilepsy.

For more information about epilepsy please visit the Epilepsy Foundation’s website at:

In Finance and Claims, the city council approved the motion to pay Invoice #355D31267 to Xylem Water Solutions U.S.A., Inc., for Professional Services Rendered regarding repairs at the water treatment plant in the amount of $3,750 This will be paid from Budget Line Item 38.45.611.0.

The city council approved the motion to pay Invoice #602889 from Utility Service Co., Inc., for Annual Maintenance and Inspection on the Elevated Water Tower in the amount of $28,334.52. This will be paid from Budget Line Item 38.45.515.1.

The city council approved the motion to pay Invoice #856454 to Sandberg Phoenix for Professional Services Rendered for Special projects in the amount of $1,710.03.

The council approved the motion to renew health insurance for the City of Staunton's full-time employees from CBIZ Benefit & Insurance Service of Illinois (Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of Illinois,) effective Oct. 1, 2024. The monthly renewal premium will be $916.30 per employee, per month. This is a decrease in the premium of $36.91 per month, per employee.

The city council approved the motion to pay Invoice #9662 from PSC Engineering for Inspection Work on the West Frontage Road Sanitary Sewer Extension Projectnin the amount of $1,140. This will be paid from Line Iten 37.71.855.0.

The city council approved the motion to approve Final Pay Estimate #3 to J.P. Burns Excavating, Inc. for work completed on Main Street Sewer Extension Project in the amount of $13,795.02. This will be paid from Line Item 37.71.853.0.

The city council approved the motion to accept Request for Qualifications Proposal submitted by PSC Civil Engineers and Land Surveyors for the CDBG Housing Grant.

In Utilities and Water, the city council approved the motion to approve low bid from Midwest Municipal Supply for materials for the Herman Road Water Main Extension Project in the amount of $47,851.12.

The city council also approved the motion to approve the low bid from Midwest Municipal Supply for materials for the Albrecht Road Water Main Extension Project in the amount of $17,689.91.

In Street and Sewer, the city council approved the motion to pay Invoice #123898 to Fehr Graham Engineering & Environmental for Engineering Services rendered on the North Street Lift Station and Force Main Project in the amount of $1,322.25. This will be paid from Budget Line Item 52.43.898.0.

The city council also approved the motion to approve Quote #1005353 from Martin Equipment for a new #76396 John Deere Skid Steer in the amount of $47,100, after trade-in. This will be purchased through the Sourcewell Program.

In Judiciary, the council approved the First reading of Ordinance #2247 approving an increase in the number of available Class A liquor licenses from 12 to 13.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor, Craig Neuhaus; City Clerk, Dennis Stiegemeier; Aldermen, Ryan Machota, David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, Kristy Berg, and Matthew McKee; Police Chief, Joe Doerr; and City Treasurer, Cindy Pirok. The next City Council Meeting will be at 7 p,.m. on Monday, Aug. 5, 2024.


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