Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

District Survey Results Will Be Analyzed And Assessed For Upcoming Ballot Question

By Brett Allen

On Monday, July 15, Staunton's Board of Education held their July meeting where two outstanding students were recognized.

2023 SHS graduate, Riley Kessler, presented a plaque to the Board of Education and shared her recent experience serving as the FFA Secretary for the state of Illinois this past year.

Also, recent SHS graduate, Max Eldred, was recognized for earning the Commendation of Biliteracy, which is awarded because he demonstrated significant progress toward achieving a high level of proficiency in English and in reading, writing, listening and speaking in another language.

To start his board report, Superintendent Brett Allen provided updates on current building projects taking place this summer. Both the multi-purpose building project as well as the library and art room renovation project are continuing and on schedule for completion before school starts in Aug. 2024.

Additionally, the installation of the large fans in the main gymnasium began Monday, July 22, 2024.

Discussion also took place on the facility improvement planning update. A community wide survey was sent out and posted for completion. The consulting firm that the Bulldog Blueprint committee has partnered with is utilizing multiple methods to solicit responses including, emails, text messages, phone calls, social media, and the local newspaper.

The Engagement Team will then meet to review and analyze the results of the survey on Thursday, July 25 at 6 p.m.. After this, a special Board of Education meeting(s) must be scheduled to review the information and make a decision on placing a referendum question on the Nov. election ballot.

Finally, information was shared about the 2024-2025 school registration process. Returning student registration opened online via the Skyward Family Access portal on Wednesday, July 17. New student registration is scheduled for Thursday, Aug. 1 in the Community Room. For more information about 2024-25 student registration, please visit the school website at:

Under finance, the Board approved a resolution appointing Superintendent Allen and Educational Services Administrator, Steven Moore, to prepare a tentative budget for Fiscal Year 2025.

In addition, Board member, Brad Best, made a motion to approve the School District’s expenditure of funds. The approval defrayed necessary and proper expenses and liabilities of the School District incurred for educational, operations, maintenance, transportation, or site and construction purposes of the District for Fiscal Year 2025; until such time the Annual Budget of the District is adopted in conformity with applicable sections of the Illinois School Code. His motion was seconded by Board member Robert Lietz and passed unanimously.

Under new business, the first reading of Press Plus Policy 115 took place. Policy committee member, Clayton Green, updated the Board that the updates to the presented policies involved some minor language changes and legal references.

Next, discussion took place on the DCEO Grant that the School District has been awarded as well as the discussion on the steps that have taken place in preparing for the phase two application process.

District staff attended the Macoupin County Economic Development Committee meeting on Tuesday, June 25.

On Monday, July 1, a meeting was held with school career and technical education teachers to gather information and suggestions for improvements to educational programming and capital projects to improve the shop areas.

On Monday, July 8, a stakeholder engagement meeting was held in the District Office at 6 p.m. to discuss grant spending ideas. Attendees included: Terry Tipler, City of Staunton; Suellen Goebel, from the Teachers’ Union; and Board of Education member, Poonam Jain.

The primary items for discussion related to grant spending included: Capital improvement projects for shop areas; Energy reduction projects such as replacing windows and window tinting; And educational programming improvements including the purchasing of new or upgraded robotics kits and printing supplies.

Upon returning to open session, the Board accepted the resignations of the following:

Tim Klein, High School Assistant Baseball Coach; Laura Hollingsworth, High School Drama Sponsor; and Cheyenne Johnson, Junior High Girls Track Coach as well as the Junior High Cross Country Coach.

The Board thanks all of these individuals for their service to the District.

Under employment matters, Brylee Langer was approved as a Volunteer Coach for the Junior High Softball program. In addition, an unpaid leave of absence for Pete Klein. was approved by the Board.

Next, the Board of Education approved two memorandums of understanding with the Staunton Federation of Teachers Local No. 4818. They removed language related to a creditable earnings cap and updated language in reference to personal leave.

In addition, Board of Education Secretary, Dori Rhodes, made a motion to approve the Board’s semi-annual review of unreleased closed meeting minutes and to release for public inspection those minutes, or portions thereof, that the Board identified as no longer needing confidential treatment. The motion was seconded by Board member Lietz and approved unanimously.

Under general discussion, The Board of Education scheduled a special meeting to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 6, to review information related to the long range facilities planning process and to take possible action on placing building referendum language on the Nov. 2024 ballot.

The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 19, 2024


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