Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Local Historical Society's Monthly Program Is July 1

The monthly program for the Macoupin County Historical Society will be held on Monday, July 1 at 7 p.m. in the Ruyle building on the Historical grounds located at 920 W. Breckenridge, Carlinville. The speaker for this month's program is Mark Flotow who will share "Early Civil War Camp Butler and William Tecumseh Sherman: Separating Fact from Fiction."

Why did General William T. Sherman visit Springfield and Camp Butler in Sept. 1861? Using Sherman's personal letters, his travel diary and Springfield newspaper articles to give a truer picture regarding General Sherman's visit.

Also included are some excerpts from Illinois soldiers' letters sent from early Camp Butler. Mr. Flotow is a social science researcher and an adjunct research associate in Anthropology at the Illinois State Museum. The program is free and open to the public.

Secretary Libby Klocke,

Macoupin. Historical Society

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