Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Days Gone By In Staunton

Thursday, Nov. 29, 1923 -- BROKE LARGE WINDOW -- A truck driven by John Lorson on Monday afternoon was backed into one of the large plate glass windows at the store of the Staunton Plumbing and Heating Co. The window was completely demolished and several fancy electric table lamps which were on display were broken, Lorson was backing the truck up to the building preparatory to load a piano from the K.C. club rooms on the floor above when the accident happened.

WABASH HITS TRUCK -- A Wabash train Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock hit a truck of the Interstate Transfer Co. on one of the crossings in Worden. Two men were on the truck, but fortunately escaped with their lives although they were quite seriously hurt. The truck was a large one and was laden with dairy feed. The train hit the truck just about at the center and tons of dairy feed were scattered about. Due to the heavy load on the truck the impact was more severe than normally and the report of the crash was heard for several blocks. The injured men were taken to the Granite City Hospital on the train which wrecked their truck and their names were not learned at Worden.

EIGHTH GRADE WINS SPELLING CONTEST -- During the past semester a spelling contest has been conducted to see who would represent the Staunton school at the annual Macoupin county spelling contest. The eighth A class won the class honors with median grades of 84, 88 and 96, with the eighth B class second with median grades of 80, 88 and 92. The 8 B class, however, had a total of 17 one hundreds. The individual honors went to Miss Juanita Engel of the 8th A class.

Prof. Pulliam presented her with a five dollar gold piece. Miss Inez Allen of the 7th grade won second honors and was presented with a silver dollar. Those who received honorable mention were: Natalie Schultz and Iibero Airola of the 8 A class; Elnora Sajovetz and Eva Danske of the 8 B class; Ida Airola, Robert Jacob and Frances Kapilla of the 7th grade.

Miss Engel will go to Carlnville, Dec. 1, and if victorious there will probably journey to Springfield, to participate in the State Championship Contest to be held Christmas week.

OPERATION RESULTS IN GIRL'S DEATH -- Mrs. Esther Welch of Worden, Two-Day Bride, Died Sunday -- A bride of two days, Mrs. Esther Welch, wife of Leo Welch, of Worden, died at St. Francis hospital Sunday morning of peritonitis, following an illegal operation alleged to have been performed by a midwife in Edwardsville, November 19. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ursprung of Worden.

Immediately after the death of the girl, who was 17, Coroner Boyd assembled a jury and conducted an inquest, following a post-mortem examination by Dr. George Telfer of Hillsboro and Dr. C.H. Zoller of Litchfield.

The jury charged Agnes Macha of Edwardsville with the murder of Esther Welch and recommended that she be arrested and prosecuted by the Madison County authorities.

The result of the inquest was immediately phoned to the sheriff and state's attorney of Madison county. According to testimony at the inquest. Agnes Macha is about 45 years old, well to do, a native of Ewardsville, and well known through Madison County.

Welch, voluntarily testifying at the inquest. stated that he and his wife, then Miss Ursprung, drove from Worden to the home of Agnes Macha, in Edwardsville, who performed an illegal operation on the girl November 19. For this the woman, he said, received $20.

Returning to the home of her parents, Miss Ursprung, he declared, became ill and communicated with Welch. He returned to Edwardsville and demanded that the woman return with him to attend the girl. She refused to do so, but gave him medicines and assuerd him that there was no danger. Later she visited the girl.

On Wednesday morning Miss Ursprung was unable to leave her bed and confided the cause of her illness to her mother. The latter, following the visit of the midwife, called in physicians, who had her immediately moved to St. Francis hospital. There it was ascertained that the girl was suffering from peritonitis.

Friday it was stated there was no chance for her recovery and at the request of young Welch, Rev. Mr. Webster of Litchfield visited the hospital and married the couple.

Welch, in his testimony to the jury offered his aid in locating and prosecuting the woman who performed the operation.

I.T.S. MEN GET RAISE -- Trainmen employed by the McKinley line, including motormen, and shopmen are to receive an increase in wages, effective Dec. l. The conductors and motormen are to receive three cents per hour more, while the raise for the shopmen is given at five cents per hour in the report.

CITY TREASURER "BEATS IT' -- Mike Pomatta, city treasurer of the Village of Wllsonville, disappeared on Thursday of the past week and according to reports $800 of the village money went with him. John Picco, president of the Village, has sworn out a warrant for the arrest of Pomatta, charging him with the theft of the funds, and he is now being sought by officers.

Thursday, Dec. 6, 1923 -- MET WITH ACCIDENT -- Herold Fritz, while driving along the hard road near Hamel on Sunday afternoon met with an accident which terminated fortunately in that no one was seriously injured. In the car, a sedan, were Martin Schneider and Carl Steging, two students from St. Louis, and Misses Erna and Edna Oettel of our city. Fritz was driving south and near the school house at Hamel a machine coming north crowded him off of the road. One of the rear wheels on Fritz's car struck a rut and turned over on its side. The young ladies sustained minor injuries, but no one was seriously hurt. The car was only slightly damaged. The fellow who caused the wreck was in a big car and traveling at a terrific rate of speed. He did not stop after causing the accident, but proceeded on his way.

FIRST SNOW OF THE SEASON -- The first snow Of the season fell yesterday and gave plastic evidence the fact that winter is now with us. The snow follows two days of rainy weather and it is to be hoped that when the weather man gets this out of his system we will once more have bright sunshine. Weather conditions thus far this winter have been ideal and have caused our people to become rather spoiled with the result that even a little bad weather brings forth a lot of complaint.

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