Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Library Happenings by Julie Jarman

The month of April has arrived.It's time for tulips, baseball, bike rides and trips to the playground once again. Speaking of playgrounds, the new story featured at the library Story Book Walk out at Water Tower Park is, Lilly's Big Day, by Kevin Henkes. It's a delightful story about a young student who wants to be a flower girl in her favorite teacher's wedding. She is named the assistant to the actual flower girl instead and is not happy about it. The fun and the laughter that ensues as the story goes on is worth the walk down the path to the playground. Henkes is a wonderful author and illustrator. Many of his books can be found in the children's library. While you are there reading the story, check out the new pickle ball courts that are now open. Life in the park is fun.

National Library Week is always the second week of April. This year, the Staunton Public Library will be handing out candy, book marks and stickers to celebrate the importance of public library. Everyone living in city limits supports the city library with their taxes. Those who live outside the city limits but still reside close by and is a part of Staunton School District can purchase a card for $35.00 a year. Taxes that support the library have nothing to do with taxes that support the Staunton School District. Many people are always surprised to learn this.

Another fun fact is, if someone owns property in Staunton, but lives outside city limits, a library card may be obtained under the property owner distinction. Please bring in a tax bill to prove ones case. Everyone who wants to get a library card needs to bring a bill such as a utility bill, or something that proves one's residency and a photo I.D.

Programs at the library are important to the Public Library's patrons but also to the library staff too. The library offers two student book clubs for students fourth grade through eighth grade and a story time for those young people three years and up. Please let the library know if upon interest in any of these programs. The library also hopes to add more adult programming in the coming months.

Spring is also the time of the year when the 2025 AISLE prestigious book lists are announced. For those not familiar with this, AISLE stands for Association of Illinois School Library Educators. Peer student groups and state educators together pick the top-20 Reader's Choice Books from the four different academic age groups.

Monarch (picture books for K through third grade); Blue Stem (chapter books for fourth, fifth, and sixth grade); Caudill (Junior High students); and Abe Lincoln books,(High School students). Each have 20 nominated books chosen from a long lists of hopeful selections. Thanks to a generous annual donation from the Mary Hochmuth family, Staunton's Public Library is able to add these items to the library. The Staunton Public Library is very appreciative of the gift and happy to have all these wonderful stories in our stacks.

Now that Spring is here, summer is right around the corner. "Renew, Read and Repeat," is the theme for the Summer Reading Program coming in June. More information coming soon on this topic.

A reminder to all that the free little library at the Pearl St. entrance is always available.

The beautiful little yellow house is one of the best things Staunton Library has to offer. Bring or take a book as one sees fit. There is also a free cart of library books and newspapers found in the front hallway at the Main St. entrance. Many items and books are constantly shared with others.

While in the front hallway, check out our wonderful story on the wall, the beautiful classic display case and the front window decorations. The wonderful children's story, Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey is currently featured.

The Staunton Public Library can be contacted at 618-635-3852. Their email is [email protected] and their facebook page is librarystaunton (Potentially also search under Staunton Public Library too). Just a reminder: the library can do faxes, scanning, and make copies too for a small fee. There is an on going book sale in the foyer off the Pearl St. entrance. The Library hopes to see everyone at the library soon.

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