Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Territory added to the Macoupin County Enterprise Zone

By Kelly Costa

During Monday night’s city council meeting, the city council approved an Amendment to the Intergovernmental Agreement among the City of Bunker Hill, City of Carlinville, City of Gillespie, Village of Royal Lakes, City of Staunton, and the County of Macoupin for the Macoupin County Enterprise Zone, and authorizing Mayor Neuhaus to sign the Certification Page.

The municipalities listed have determined that it is in the best interest of the municipalities and the public that territory be added to the current enterprise zone boundaries for projects that will immediately provide benefits to the Macoupin County Enterprise Zone.

In Guests, a resident stated that the city did sewer work on her property, and it left a dent in the yard. Public Works Director Mike Kuethe said the work will get completed in her yard.

In Correspondence, the city received a letter from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Development informing the city that the special grant condition regarding environmental record review requirements for the CDBG Public Infrastructure Water Grant have been met.

The city also received a letter from Madison Communications notifying the city that due to local programmers and content providers of CATV offerings imposing rate increases, Madison Communications will be imposing rate increases as well effective March 1, 2024.

In Finance and Claims, the city council agreed to pay Invoice #9500 from PSC Engineering for the final inspection on the Route 4 (Alco) Sewer Extension Project for $5,828.

The city council also agreed to pay Invoice #9501 from PSC Engineering for Design Engineering on the Frontage Road Sewer Project for $53,416.

In Personnel, the city council voted to allow Police Chief Jeff Doerr to carry over 120 hours of vacation time.

In Judiciary, the city council waived the First reading and approved Ordinance #2231 amending Staunton Ordinance No. 2037 to add territory to the Macoupin County Enterprise Zone.

The city council waived the First reading and approved Ordinance #2232 amending the Liquor Code for the city of Staunton setting the number of available Class D Licenses to seven.

The city council approved Resolution #2024-01 authorizing the execution of a Redevelopment Agreement with Bart and Patti Brauer.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus,;City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier; City Treasurer Cindy Pirok; City Attorney Phil Lading; Police Chief Jeff Doerr; Public Works Director Mike Kuethe; Aldermen Ryan Machota, David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, Kristy Berg, and Matthew McKee.

The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Feb. 26, 2024 at 7 p.m.

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