Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Council approves street requests for the Zion Lutheran Church's annual Sausage Supper on Feb. 4, 2024

By Kelly Costa

During Monday night’s city council meeting, the city council waived the first reading and approved Ordinance #2228 an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City of Staunton and the Staunton Township Road District regarding equipment and work sharing.

In Correspondence, the city received an email from Tim Seelbach, on behalf of the Zion Lutheran Church’s Men’s Club, requesting to make the streets surrounding Zion Lutheran School one way and to close Henry Street from Wood Street to Union Street on Feb. 4, 2024 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. for their annual Sausage Supper. The city council approved the requests during Public Health and Safety. The following streets will be one way during the Sausage Supper:

Wood Street from Henry Street to Spring Street

Union Street from Henry Street to Spring Street

Hoxsey Street from Spring Street to Panhorst Street

In Park and Civic Improvement, the city council agreed to pay Invoice #43231 to Environmental Operations, Inc. for Inspection and Sample Analysis on the property at 317 E. Fifth Street for $1,631.54. This will be paid from line item 35.61.916.0.

In Utilities and Water, the city council accepted Bid #5015723 from Midwest Municipal Supply for the Easton Street 12” Water Main Replacement Project from Leonard to Main Street for $111,828.22.

The city council also accepted Bid #5015725 from Midwest Municipal Supply for the Schaefer

Road Water Main Replacement Project for $15,133.85.

The city council accepted Quote #S1208444 from Schulte Supply, Inc. for fire hydrants to be used on the Easton Street Water Main Replacement Project for $10,700.

In Judiciary, the city council waived the first reading and approved Ordinance #2227 the Vacation of an Easement on property located at 1402 West Frontage Road.

The 1st reading was given for Ordinance #2229 a Pre-Annexation Agreement with Janet F. Johnson regarding property located at 9136 Renken Road but not physically annexing the property to the city’s corporate boundaries at this time. (PIN #12-2-04-11-12-201-002 / Madison County.

The 1st reading was given for Ordinance #2230 granting a Zoning Amendment and Setback Variance for real property located at 407 S. Hibbard, Street.

Those present for the meeting were City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, Aldermen David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, Kristy Berg, and Matthew McKee. Alderman Ryan Machota and City Attorney Phil Lading attended electronically. Mayor Craig Neuhaus was absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, January 22 , 2024 at 7 p.m.

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