Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Livingston and Williamson's 2023 Holiday Basket Wrap-up

As has been a long-standing tradition, many generous people banded together to make sure that the holiday spirit was alive and well in the Livingston and Williamson community. Once again, the Livingston Park Association (LPA) organized Christmas and Thanksgiving baskets to assist the local needy in Olive Township.

Support for the holiday baskets comes from individuals, businesses, organizations and people throughout both the immediate community and the region. Assistance is provided through monetary donations, contributions of non-perishable food, toiletries, children’s gifts, and those who volunteer their time and effort. The LPA greatly appreciates the efforts of so many, which accomplish so much good in our community. The LPA organization could not successfully sponsor the holiday food baskets without the support of caring, faithful friends.

During the month of Nov., 37 baskets were delivered to provide a traditional Thanksgiving dinner to 106 local residents. In the month of Dec., 51 baskets were distributed to 130 individuals in our community, including 41 children who received gifts through the community Angel Tree. The Christmas baskets included a turkey or ham, a large amount of canned goods and non-perishable food, and laundry detergent. Staple foods included dry pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce, canned tuna, soup, crackers, canned pasta, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, peanut butter and jelly, and “treat” items such as hot chocolate, chips and cookies. These groceries help assist families, couples or individuals for several weeks in the long winter months.

The LPA is grateful that so much combined effort accomplishes so much good amongst their community. Cindy Scarsdale of the Livingston Park Association said, “We have done our best to provide a comprehensive list, but apologize if anyone was left off inadvertently. We also want to acknowledge that some of our contributors do not want to be publicly recognized for their support.”

The local holiday basket effort got underway back in the month of Sept. of 2023 when Bonnie and Klides Place in Livingston sponsored their annual toy drive for children who are adopted on the Angel Tree. The establishment has been a long-time supporter of the holiday baskets, and the continued support is greatly appreciated.

Several food collections took place during the month of Oct. for the baskets. The first was at the community Trunk-Or-Treat sponsored by the LPA on Oct. 8, 2023. Those that attended the fun-filled event were asked to contribute non-perishable food, specifically Thanksgiving-related items, to help “cram the coffins.” Rob and Kim Peterson and their friends also contributed a large quantity of items from their annual “pumpkin party.” The holiday baskets were also the beneficiaries of a new supporter this fall, The Pink Elephant Antique Mall. The food donations from their “low scare” Area 66 Haunted School at the end of Oct. were shared with the LPA holiday baskets. Additionally, Rock Bottom Bar in Williamson continued their support of the holiday baskets by sponsoring food collections in both Nov. and Dec..

Food donations were also received via collection boxes placed in community businesses back in Nov. and Dec., including Country Inn; Livingston Grocery; Martintoni Automotive; and the Hard Dog Café. Additional contributions of food and other items were received from the Wersinger family; Jeanette Cyrnek; Rebecca Propes; the Staunton 4-Hers; Ken Pavlotich; and Robbie and Kim Pollett. Especially appreciated were the “targeted” food contributions of essential items to help round out the baskets. Special friends who purchased specific quantities of these key foods included Lou Ann Hopper (both Thanksgiving and Christmas); Stacy and John Slifka; Dave and Karen Gaines; and Patty and Duane Take. Many people also gave anonymous food contributions through the collection baskets at local businesses.

The Angel Tree provides gifts for needy children in the community, which are distributed in conjunction with the Christmas baskets. This past holiday, angels were available for adoption at the tree’s original home, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, and at the Livingston Fire House. The LPA appreciates the Livingston/Williamson Fire Department allowing the use of their facilities for the Angel Tree. Many people helped needy children in the area have a wonderful Christmas by purchasing gifts for them this past year.

The Skyriders Motor Club of Livingston continued their long tradition of supporting the holiday baskets by purchasing gifts for several children from the Angel Tree. Other special donations included blankets, books and other items from Connie and Dave Schmidt; and jeans and socks from David Smith and Elizabeth Tsou. Thrivent Financial also provided matching grant funds (and volunteer T-shirts) for both the Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets.

Members of the Altar and Rosary Society of Sacred Heart Church, along with other supporters in the community, organized and wrapped the gifts after they were collected. Bettejean Salter prepared the Angels for distribution on the “tree,” and she and Margie Lamore organized the gifts after they were returned. Angie Highlander coordinated the Angel Tree name distribution and gift collection at the Livingston Fire House, with assistance from Debbie Atwood. The “little elves” who wrapped Christmas gifts included Fran Augustine; Lynne Best; Donna Costa; Shirley Dal Pozzo; Judy Hampton; Janice Libbra; Kathi Niggli; Delores and Bob Martintoni; Maureen Osterbuhr; Lynn Stemmler; Julie Tjaden; and Linda Wisnasky.

The LPA appreciates the dedication and cooperation of all of those who volunteered their time and efforts to help with assembling, delivering and distributing the baskets. Volunteers for the various activities included Damion Posey; Nikki and Lorelei Kineke; Tiffany, Geoff, and Olivia Gilliam; Stacy, John and Webb Slifka; Brian and Karen Margaritis; Bob, Sheila and Lauren Chulka; Felix Wilson; Corey Voyles; Dale Hendricks; Hollie Yoder; Ken Schoen; Joyce and Mike Wiggins; Lou Ann and Caitlin Hopper; Dave Gaines; Paula Cruthis; Dana Allen; Debbie, Jericca and Suzy Atwood; Frank Trost; Merrie, Doug and Tyler Glisson; Joyce Wiggins; and Kristy and Benjamin Peterson.

Many organizations, businesses and individuals provided monetary support for the 2023 holiday food baskets. A substantial anonymous donation was received, which helped fund the meat purchase for Thanksgiving and most of Christmas. The Peterson family and Jeanette Cyrnek contributed gift certificates to Bill’s IGA. Additional contributions were received from the Village of Williamson; Livingston/Williamson Fire Department; Sacred Heart Rosary and Altar Society; Bettejean Salter; Margie Lamore; Kevin and Tricia Carroll; Bill and Fran Augustine; Maureen Osterbuhr; Abstracts and Titles; Elaine Nordyke; Bob Chulka; Beverly Williams; Mary and George Stanley; Jim and Lynn Stemmler; Bob and Gloria Blechle in memory of Kevin Knezik; Dave and Connie Schmidt; Dave Lamore; Brian and Karen Margaritis; Bob and Delores Martintoni; Jeanette Cyrnek; Bob Bowles and Paula Cruthis; John James; Dave and Kristi Nichols; Roy Weber; and Anne Fratzke. Memorial gifts also received on behalf of Kevin Knezik and Sharon Hainaut were used for this year’s holiday baskets.

The LPA also appreciates the assistance and special consideration given by Billy and Becky at Bill’s IGA.

Members of the Livingston Park Association who assisted with this extensive project included Brian and Angie Highlander; Tom and Denise Royer; Brandon and Andrea Margaritis; Beth Atwood; and Denny, Cindy and Austin Scarsdale.

Scarsdale, on behalf of the LPA said, “We apologize if someone was inadvertently omitted; we did our best to capture all of those involved but may have missed someone. To all of those who assisted, thank you so much for your wonderful continued support, your efforts have truly made a difference in the lives of so many and we could not do this annual project without all of your combined efforts. Best wishes for a wonderful 2024.”

Cindy Scarsdale and Beth Atwood

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