Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

'Letters to Santa' from past issues of the Star-Times

Dec. 24, 1908,

New Douglas,

"Dear Santa,

Will you bring me a sled, and some candy, and some toys to play with, and my brother wants a box of candy, horse and wagon and a pocket knife.

Harry and Willie Andrews"

Dec. 17, 1909

"Dear Santa Claus,

You will not have to go to the country for us this year for we have moved to town. Please bring me a doll and go-cart. Jane wants a doll head and set of dishes, and Margaret a doll head, doll bed and little broom.

Your little friend,

Dorrell Kilduff"

"Dear Santa,

I want a tool chest, jack-in-the-box, horse on wheels, turtle, top, and ring. I am trying to be a good boy so you will bring me the toys. I hope you will not get stuck in the chimney as you come down or get your beard tangled on the icicles.

Charlie Wathern"

"Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little boy 4-years old. I want a ball and a pair of mittens, some nuts and candy and oranges. Good-bye Santa.

Elmer O’Neal"

Dec. 16, 1910

"Dear Santa, I want a wagon, a gun, tool set, sled, box of handkerchiefs; a game of dominoes, and a bank, gloves, some nuts, candy and oranges and bananas.

From your friend,

Carl O’Neal"

"Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a football, and a rocky, please give me a Christmas tree and a airship and a wagon, a train and some bananas and some candy.

Your friend,

Glenn Hastings"

"Dear Santa,

Please bring me a rifle, a painting set, oranges, candy and nuts.

Harold Stille"

"Dec. 23, 1910

Dear Santa Claus,

I wish you would bring me for X-Mas a magic lantern, a bicycle, a story book, a gun, a music box, a wheelbarrow, a boy doll, an automobile, candy, nuts and oranges.


John Low McBrien"

"Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a rocking horse, a steam engine, a greider auto, candy, nuts, storybook and oranges.


Frederick Robert McBrien"

Dec. 16, 1928

"Dear Santa Claus,

Will you please bring me a big doll, and a folding table and some roller skates. Don’t forget daddy and mama and grandpa and grandma. I am a pretty good girl.

Your little friend,

Ruth V. Miller

331 N. Hibbard"

"511 E. Henry St., Staunton, Ill.

Dear Santa Claus,

We were very good children this year and are writing again to you as last year you sure did give us lots of things. I, Gloria, want a big dolly, dishes, nice pocketbook, small piano, shawl and a red dress, besides candy, nuts and fruit.

My brother Arthur wants a hammer and saw, gun, drum and a horse, besides candy, nuts and a Christmas tree and fruit. Don’t forget our mama and daddy. They also were good this year.

Gloria Elenora and

Arthur Pingolt"

"Staunton, Ill., Box 70 R. No. 1

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little boy four years old, was very good this year and as this is my first letter to you I wanted you not to forget me. I want a horse, a gun, a wagon, horn, a suit, a cap, nuts, candy and oranges. Don’t forget the Christmas tree. Also remember mama, grandpa and grandma, also Aunt Rose who is sick in bed since summer.


Ramon Gerald Wilcok"

"Dec. 22, 1921

Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl 8-years old and we live by the I. T. S. So you won’t have a hard time finding where I live. This is what I want: A big doll that sleeps with curls, a Christmas tree, some nuts and candy and don’t forget Daddy, Grandma and Aunt Susie and my uncles.

Very Truly Yours,

Dorothy Kerr,

225 E. Pearl St., Staunton, Ill."

"Dear Santa Claus,

I am a little girl 6-years old. I want to tell you what I want for Christmas. I want some dishes and some school dresses and a school dinner bucket, a pencil box with my pencils in it and a tablet. Don’t forget papa and mama and my brother Willie, a rubber baby and a rattle.

Your true little girl,

Minnie Henke,

Staunton, Ill., Route 2 Box 44"

"Dear Santa,

I am writing you a letter to let you know what I want for Christmas. I am a little boy 7-years old. I want a football and Jersey sweater, nuts, candy and oranges.

From your friend,

Wilson H. Gross,

Livingston, Ill."

"Dear Santa Claus,

I am a girl 8-years old. Now I have been a pretty good girl and I’ll try to be better before Christmas and I will study my lesson and my piano lesson good. So now if you would be so kind and bring me some things that I need very bad. One pair of nice Sunday shoes, one pair of nice slippers and a pair of nice stockings and some nuts, candy, oranges, apples, cookies and I would be happy if i Could have a nice, big doll, and a nice, good big story book.

Mary Wilkus,

Staunton, Ill."

"Dear Santa Claus,

Please send me a big electric train, a sled, a new suit and a tool box. And please, Santa, send my mama, papa and sisters something nice too. That’s all. Good-bye Santa, until next year.

Reno Calcari,

Staunton, Box 193"

"Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a little donkey and a fire engine and a false face and a French brass cornet and a drum and a paper theatre and a soldiers outfit, a little telephone, a tinker toy, a train and a bicycle and don’t forget the rest of the family.

Your friend,

Frederick Meyer,

Staunton, Ill."

"Dear Santa Claus,

Please bring me a harvard farm wagon and a fireman’s outfit and a sail-me-plane, a steam engine and don’t forget to bring me a football, a novelty ball. Don’t forget the rest of the family.

Your friend,

Walter Meyer,

Staunton, Ill."

"Dec. 21, 1923

Dear Santa,

I am a little boy, 7-years-old. Please bring me a two wheel bicycle, air rifle and roller skates, nuts and candy. Please don’t forget my mamma. Patiently waiting.

Vernon Rawie, Mt. Olive, Ill."

"Dec. 19, 1913

Dear Santa,

I am a little boy, eight years old, and I thought I would write and tell you what I want you to bring me for Christmas. I want you to bring me a sled, story book, harp, ball, and also some candy, nuts and oranges. My home is in the country and we get our mail at Staunton, Ill.

Your little friend,

Dan R. McGaughey"

"Dear Santa Claus,

I want to write you a few lines to let you know what I want for Christmas. I am a little boy, six-years old, and I go to school. My teacher’s name is Agnes Boeticker. I want a pop gun and a Noah’s Ark, a set of building blocks and also some candy.

Your little friend,

Clarence McGaughey,

Worden, Ill."

"Dear Santa,

I am a good little girl and go to school every day. I am eight-years old and I want for Christmas a nice big doll, a set of china dishes, a cupboard to put the dishes in a little ironing board, a pair of nice scissors, a little table and a little stove, and some candy, peanuts, and oranges, bananas and popcorn. Well, that is all for this time, and a writing board, too. But don’t forget my teacher, Miss Ruth, she wants some candy, nuts and oranges and bananas.

From your little girl,

Bertha Vanluen,

New Douglas, Ill."

"Dear Santa,

I am a very good little boy. I go to school every day and I am 12-years old. I want for Christmas, a small steam engine, a dynomobile, a train and a track, a watch, a Flinch deck, tool box, a chatter box, a ball, a pair of skates, and a sled. I also want some candy, nuts and oranges, and bananas.

Please don’t forget my teacher, Miss Ruth, she wants a nice gold watch and a bracelet and a long switch to crack the pupils around their legs with.

From your friend,

Percy Everts,

New Douglas, Ill."


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