Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

$1.9 million for Gensing Creek box culvert

By Kelly Costa

During Monday night’s city council meeting, the council waived the first reading and approved Ordinance #2212 authorizing and providing for a $1,900,000 promissory note for the purpose of providing interim construction financing for the replacement of the Gensing Creek box culvert. The financing will pay costs incurred by the city for work associated with the replacement of the box culvert. The city will finance the cost of the project with the issuance of alternate bonds to be purchased by Rural Development.

The interim construction financing is necessary to obtain initial construction financing prior to issuance of the bonds to pay the costs of the project. Funds will be refunded from the permanent financing provided by the bonds and repaid within 10 years.

In other business, the city council received an email from Staunton Public Library Director Julie Jarman requesting to use the South Water Tower Park on Thursday, Aug. 3, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. with the park rental fee being waived. The library will be holding their annual birthday party on that date. The MAC art bus will be there and the storybook walk will be featured. The council approved the requests.

City Treasurer Cindy Pirok stated that certificates of deposit have recently matured and were cashed at Bank of Springfield as follows:

Bond/Interest Fund - $150,000 plus $922.32 interest

Reserve Fund - $200,000 plus $1,229.78 interest.

Certificates of deposit that have been recently purchased at Bank of Springfield for nine months at 4.45 percent are as follows:

Bond/Interest Fund - $150,000

Reserve Fund - $200,000.

City Clerk Dennis Steigemeier reported that he received an email from Kevin Tepen with C.J. Schlosser informing the city that they will be in the office starting on Aug. 14 to begin their on-site work for the fiscal year audit.

In Public Health and Safety, the council approved an email quote from Advanced Communications for radio system maintenance for $1,226.

The council agreed to pay an invoice dated June 1 from West Central Illinois Criminal Justice Council for Mobile Training Unit 9 annual dues in the amount of $1,175. This is effective July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024.

The council voted to pay an invoice from Brownlee Data Systems for the annual Village Police Maintenance Agreement in the amount of $1,800 effective Aug. 5, 2023, through Aug. 4, 2024.

In Finance and Claims, the council agreed to renew health insurance for City of Staunton full-time employees from CBIZ Benefit & Insurance Services of Illinois (Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Illinois), effective Oct. 1, 2023. The monthly renewal premium will be $953.21 per employee per month.

A quote from Illini Tech Services was approved for computer communication from the chemical room to the Scada System for $2,230. This was approved at the July 10 city council meeting for $1,965, however, there was only one access point included in that quote, and a second one is required in order to make this work.

The council voted to pay an invoice from Sandberg Phoenix for professional services rendered for special projects for $2,611.85.

The council agreed to pay an invoice from Fehr Graham for professional services rendered regarding the North Street lift station and force main project in the amount of $1,348.50.

In Utilities and Water, the council voted to pay an invoice from Kaeser Compressors for annual maintenance on the lake compressor for $2,682.34.

The city council agreed to pay a claim to Ameren Illinois for damage billing occurring at 929 North Easton Street for $2,014.46.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, aldermen Ryan Machota, David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, Kristy Berg, and Matthew McKee. City Attorney Phil Lading was absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Aug. 14, at 7 p.m.

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