Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Staunton Senior Citizens

The July 6 meeting was called to order at 1 p.m. by president, Gerri Cook. There were 25 members present at the meeting. The Lord's Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance were said. Then the secretary and treasurer followed up with the minutes and treasury report for last month. It was discussed and voted to donate $100 for Staunton school backpacks and supplies.

There were no visitors or new members present, however, Cook brought cupcakes and pretzels for everyone in the July 4th theme.  It was suggested that a card be sent to the member that is temporarily housebound as a reminder that we are still thinking of her. There were no volunteers or nominees for club officers for the 2023-2024 year which starts on Aug. 3. Nancy Johns motioned to keep the present officers and Bernadette Banovz seconded the motion. The membership dues for 2023-2024 year are to be paid by Aug. 3.

Cook announced that Dennis Williams and Cheryl Moore will audit the books next month prior to the new tenure of officers. Stephanie, who is from Illinois Valley, will be at the next meeting to discuss some perks that Senior Citizens may be eligible for. Also, they may discuss the topic of winterizing an individual's house for cold weather.

The Glenwood announced they are having a craft fair and rummage sale on Tuesday, July 11, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.  Marilyn Willows and Betty Zargis won the attendance prizes and the pots of silver went to JoAnn Brakhane and Dixie Ross. 

The meeting was adjourned and the members enjoyed playing bingo which was called by Toni Janus. The next meeting of the Staunton Senior Citizens group will be held on July 20 at the St. Paul United Church of Christ at 225 South Laurel Street in Staunton.

Vicki Pryor, Secretary

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