Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Staunton Helping Hands Center: May Recap

The amount of guests that are being served at the pantry has been increasing. Over 400 people were impacted in May (and this is the first time that numbers have been that high since December of 2020). The pantry remains extremely stable with inventory, volunteers and a welcoming environment. One hundred five families were served in May, with 11 families being new to the Staunton Helping Hands Center. The SHHC is open to serve guests on Tuesdays from 9:30-11:30 a.m. and Wednesdays from 5-7 p.m.

May was a very special month as there was a great return to the "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive through the USPS and the help of our entire community. Over 2,700 pounds of food were collected for the SHHC. Thank you to the volunteers and staff at the Staunton Post Office and for collecting and delivering these items.

Thank you to the following individuals that contributed in May: Angie Luketich, Kathleen Benda, Merry Callovini, Robert & Gloria Dvorak, Susan Miller, and Wanda Watson.

Thank you to the following churches that contributed in May: The Assembly and St. Michael Catholic Church.

A memorial donation was received in loving memory of John M. Koehne by John E. & Margaret Koehne. Memorials were also received in loving memory of Herb Sievers by Russell Furniture Store, John & Michele Yehling, Ron & Moyna Hannig, and Tim & Amy Assouad.

In-kind donations can be received during pantry hours or dropped off at Ink Forge, Cash Out Gaming and Rooster's Pub during their business hours. Financial contributions are received at P.O. Box 111 in Staunton or on Venmo @stauntonhelpinghands. The SHHC is extremely appreciative for the vast amount of community support that is consistently received.

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