Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Recognized as Outstanding Teacher of the Year

William Woods School of Education graduate Elizabeth Kasubke was recently recognized as an outstanding teacher in her field just two years into her career.

Kasubke was selected by the Missouri Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (MACTE) as Missouri Outstanding Beginning Teacher.

Kasubke is employed in the Fulton Public School and maintains close ties with the WWU School of Education.

"William Woods was such a welcoming campus and I truly felt supported by the staff in the education department," said Kasubke, who currently teaches fifth grade at Bush Elementary School. "To this day, I still have several of my WWU teachers check in on me."

The Outstanding Beginning Teacher awardees were recognized for this honor during the MACTE Spring Conference held March 2-3 in Columbia.

Elizabeth is the daugher of Bruce and Mary Ann Kasubke of Mexico, Mo., and the granddaughter of Don and Marie Kasubke of Staunton.


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