Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Berg appointed to council, Ward 2

During Monday night’s city council meeting, a resolu- tion was approved appointing Kristy Berg to the position of Ward 2 alderman for the city of Staunton. This followed the recent resignation of Rick Johnson who had previously

held that position.

The appointment of Berg will last through April 2023 when the next general municipal elec- tion will be held. Since Berg meets all the qualifications necessary to hold city office, she was administered the oath of office and seated as a council member.

Morrie Fraser was a guest at the meeting who spoke briefly about his training from the Illinois Fire and Police Com- missioners Association Confer- ence. He has some ideas on how to help retain police officers for the city. Mayor Craig Neuhaus said there will be a committee meeting soon to discuss the ideas from the conference.

In Public Health and Safety, the council approved an esti- mate from Advanced Commu- nications for a radio repeater on the Mt. Olive tower for $3,413.

In Utilities and Water, a bid was approved from Kamadul- ski Excavating & Grading Co., Inc. for water treatment plant lagoon maintenance for $9,400.

A bid was accepted from Midwest Municipal Supply for materials to be used on the Hibbard/Franklin water main project, phase II, in the amount of $57,136.94. Other bids received were from Core & Main for $59,889.50 and from Schulte Supply for $60,942. The council also accepted a bid from Schulte Supply for hydrants to be used on the Hibbard/Frank- lin water main project, phase II, in the amount of $12,185. Other bids received were from Midwest Municipal Supply for $12,234.05 and from Core &

Main for $13,500.

In Streets and Sewer, Bernice

Hemann turned over her private sewer main to the city, and the council agreed to accept it.

Christmas bonuses were ap- proved for city employees as follows: $250 to department heads, $150 to full-time em- ployees; and $100 to part-time employees with more than 250 hours per year.

Paid Christmas holidays for the city for next year are Mon- day and Tuesday, Dec. 25 and 26, 2023.

The pre-demolition asbestos inspection proposal from Envi- ronmental Operations, Inc., was accepted for the properties at 104 and 108 East Main Street at an estimated cost of $2,549.50.

In Judiciary, the ordinance au- thorizing the levy and collection of taxes for the city of Staunton for the fiscal year May 1, 2022, to April 30, 2023, was adopted.

The council approved a pre- annexation agreement with Jacob R. Berry regarding property at 1705 South Union Street but not physically annexing the property to the city’s corporate boundaries at this time.

The council waived the first reading and approved an ordi- nance designating a handicapped parking space at the corner of South Elm Street and West Main Street.

Authorization was given for the sale of surplus real estate to Bryan and Heather Ondes for their bid of $1,500.

The council thanked Neuhaus Heating and Air Condition- ing for allowing the city to use their trailer to transport Christmas decorations for Duda Garden from Tennessee back to Staunton. Also, thanks to the city workers and chamber members for their help.

The Staunton Fire Department had training at 104 East Main Street last week and this week. It's one of the buildings that will soon be demolished.

Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, aldermen Ryan Machota, John Moore, David Manning, David Dias, Terry Tipler, and Kristy Berg. Police Chief Jeff Doerr at- tended electronically. City Attor- ney Phil Lading was absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Dec. 12, at 7 p.m.

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