Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years
By Kelly Costa
During Monday night’s city council meeting, Alderman Rick Johnson announced that city officials will be walking door to door in Ward 3 collecting water grant information. The state of Illinois requires a minimum response rate of 80 percent to qualify for the grant. The city is asking for help by answering the door and providing the limited information requested.
Also, city officials will be going door to door throughout the city collecting applications for home repair grants. These grants will allow the city to do such work as replacing roofs, doors, windows, heating and air conditioning systems, deteriorating floors, siding, plus some other repairs at no cost to the homeowner. The survey forms are for owner occupied low income homeowners. For more information about the grants or to obtain an application, contact city hall for Dennis Stiegemeier at (618)635-2233 or Rick Johnson at (618)407-2358.
In Correspondence, an email was received from Darren Windau requesting to use the South Water Tower Park on Sept. 15 from 6 to 8 p.m. for a Cub Scout open house as well as to have the park rental fee waived. The council approved the requests.
A request was also received from Brian Johnston to close Orchard Lane on Oct. 15 from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a neighborhood block party and to use city barricades for the event. The requests were approved.
The council received a letter of resignation dated Sept. 9 from street department employee Bart Yakos with his last day of employment on Sept. 30, 2022.
In the Treasurer’s Report, Treasurer Cindy Pirok stated that certificates of deposit were recently purchased at Bank of Hillsboro for nine months at 1.61 percent.
City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier stated that all duck blinds, except blind #4, had been registered prior to the Sept. 1 deadline.
In Public Health and Safety, a quote from Williams Office Products for new office furniture for the police department for $2,292.45 was accepted. Alderman Hanks voted no. The motion passed 6 to 1.
In Finance and Claims, the council approved the following:
• Engineering on the Route 4/Alco sewer main extension project for $42,000.
• Construction on the Route 4/Alco sewer main extension for $131,000.
• Engineering on the East Main Street sewer project for $42,000.
• Engineering on the North Street bridge project for $45,000.
The council approved a quote from Illini Tech to set up multi-factor authentication for the city of Staunton, public works, and water department for $1,000.
Quotes were approved from Illini Tech for the following: solid state drives with USB cables and on-site labor to perform backup restoration and documentation for $2,520; Dell Latitude 3000 Series laptop computer for $1,249; HP laserjet printer for $1,299; special order computer equipment for $1,619; and Dell Latitude 3000 Series laptop computer at the public works building for $1,404.
In Utilities and Water, the council approved engineering on the North Easton Street water main extension project for $4,500 and construction not to exceed $12,000.
In Tourism, the council agreed to close the following streets for the upcoming Strassenfest: Main Street from Wood Street to Union Street on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 6 a.m. to 11:59 p.m.; and Elm Street from Associated Bank entrance going north to Duda Garden on Friday, Sept. 16, from 7 a.m. until Monday, Sept. 19, at 10 a.m.
It was also agreed to spend up to $15,000 for tents for upcoming tourism events.
The council voted to reimburse Bart and Patty Brauer 75 percent of the completed expenses as outlined in the TIF Redevelopment Agreement for a total of $4,230. (75% of $5,640). The improvements at their property at 100 E. Main Street included new gutters and tuckpointing.
In Judiciary, the council approved an ordinance authorizing an agreement for the purchase of property at 104 East Main Street. Alderman Johnson voted no, and stated that, “(he) remained opposed to both the $50,000 price tag as well as the process used to establish sale price. (He) still contends an appraisal and an offer of fair market value be made for the property that will be demolished at an additional cost to the city.” Alderman Hanks voted no as well. The motion passed 5 to 2.
Charity roadblocks were approved for Elbon Shrine Club to conduct a newspaper drive on Oct. 15 and for the Staunton Knights of Columbus to conduct their annual Tootsie Roll Drive on Sept. 17.
The first reading was given of an ordinance outlining an Intergovernmental Agreement between the city of Staunton and Staunton Township regarding maintenance of a portion of West Frontage Road.
A resolution was approved authorizing the city of Staunton to apply for an Open Space Land Acquisition and Development Grant.
The collector’s report included:
Staunton Police Department - Ordinance Violations $200; Reports $25;
Jersey County Circuit Clerk - FTA Warrant Fee $30;
Utility tax - Southwestern Electric Cooperative $916.84; M.J.M. Electric Cooperative $327.50;
Hotel/Motel Tax - Staunton Super 8 Motel $2,350.86;
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk - Fine Disbursement $693.85; Arrest Agency Fee $250; Police Vehicle Fund $.50; E-Citation Fee $12;
State of Illinois - Sales Tax $67,563.73; MFT Tax $9,313.45; MFT Renewal Fund $7,523.25;
Raffle licenses were issued to Staunton High School Volleyball and Concordia Hall Queen of Hearts.
Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, City Attorney Phil Lading, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, aldermen Rick Johnson, Ryan Machota, John Moore, David Manning, David Dias, and Terry Tipler. Alderman Randy Hanks attended electronically. Alderman Chad Plenske was absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Sept. 26, at 7 p.m.
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