Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Contract won't be renewed

During the Staunton Board of Education Meeting held on Monday, March 21, the board adopted a Resolution Authorizing Non-Reemployment of Full-Time, Non-Tenured Administrator.

SHS Principal Dr. Vince Hughes will not be completing his last year of probationary service during the 2021-2022 school year and will not be reemployed for the 2022-2023 school term. Hughes is in his final year of a two-year performance-based employment agreement that requires the board to notify him by April 1 whether or not his contract will be extended. At this meeting, the decision was made by unanimous vote that Hughes will not be reemployed.

In other business, Mike Kelly, the interim superintendent, reported that the office hours for the district office during the week of spring break would be 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. Then, on the Thursday and Friday prior to Easter weekend, the office would close until resuming normal operations on Monday, April 18.

Financial Report

The Board of Education was reminded that the district is seeking insurance bids for property, general liability, auto, school board liability and workers’ compensation insurance, and that public notice of the bidding process has been posted. Also, the board of education approved the Health/Life/Safety Amendment recommended by Kelly to address payment for the electric switchgear for the high school.

Items under New Business

Kelly informed the board of education that the district submitted a public school calendar to the Illinois State Board of Education for approval in July that was different from the school calendar the district used throughout the entire school year. So, since the start of the school year, the school district was operating on a calendar not approved by the Illinois State Board of Education. From Kelly's brief investigation, it appears in July of 2021, there was a disconnect between the approved calendar and the actual calendar posted on the website and presented to the public. Fortunately, he does not foresee any real issues to resolve with the ISBE because the district will have met the required student attendance days.

Kelly reminded the board of education that the 2022 commencement ceremony for Staunton High School is scheduled for Friday, May 13. He also informed the board that the 8th grade promotion ceremony would be held on the morning of May 13. Moreover, he told the board that if no additional emergency days are required, it is expected the final day of student attendance will be May 17 with a teachers’ institute scheduled for May 18. However, no final calendar has been presented for approval. Kelly stressed that numerous issues could impact the calendar between March and May.

Items under Old or

Unfinished Business

The board of education approved the second reading and five-year review of board policies presented for review by the Illinois Association of School Boards.


The Board of Education approved the resignations of Kim Masinelli, a part-time teacher in the elementary school, and of Evan Baugh, an elementary school resource teacher. The board also voted to approve the employment of Ava Ostendolf as an elementary summer school teacher for the summer of 2022, and Austin Ellis as an assistant coach for the junior high track and field program. The board approved the employment of Amanda Moore and Amber Joyce as kindergarten teachers for the 2022-2023 school year.

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