Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years
The Illinois Department of Transportation announced last week that flashing yellow arrow traffic signals will be installed in the coming months along U.S. 67 from Illinois 140/Broadway Connector in Alton to U.S. 67 and Illinois 111/267 Lars Hoffman Crossing in Godfrey, improving safety and traffic flow along a major commercial thoroughfare.
The first flashing yellow arrow signal was recently activated at the Walmart entrance on Godfrey Road and U.S. 67. Installation of all 12 planned flashing yellow arrow signals is expected to be complete in June. Temporary daytime lane closures will be required.
The Federal Highway Administration encourages flashing yellow arrow traffic signals at certain intersections to reduce left-turn crashes, following research that shows drivers found them easier to understand and fewer collisions occurred where they were used when compared to traditional yield-on-green signal configurations. They also have been proven to increase intersection capacity, allowing higher traffic flow than those with only the standard red, yellow and green arrows.
The flashing yellow arrow is used in addition to the standard red, yellow and green arrows. When illuminated, the flashing yellow arrow allows motorists to make a left-hand turn after yielding to pedestrians and oncoming traffic. Otherwise, the new traffic signals work the same: A steady green arrow means turn left, a steady yellow arrow warns that the signal will turn red and a steady red arrow means stop.
A new policy is under development at IDOT that will require the use of flashing yellow arrow signals at signalized intersections if cost and intersection design allows.
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