Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

To You … With Love,

Standing on the shoreline of time, we are called to once more enter the deep rivers of God’s love as the Lenten season calls us to remember.

We feel the pull of the tides to go with God. At first, the waters of his grace barely cover our footsteps, but as we begin to move slowly out into the fullness of them we find ourselves being lifted up and carried along into the heart of the waves and scarcely can we fathom the depth around us. We are a part of the churning sea, drawn into the arena of love, so glorious that surely none but the saved shall know how deep and wide the river flows into the soul of man.

There in the bubbling foam comes visions of a hill, and a cross and a God who makes the river flow with undying love. Such is the power and glory of Lent when the ground before Calvary becomes a river of life and death and life eternal.

Rev. Richardson (ret.)


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