Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years
The Staunton City Council approved an ordinance authorizing the tax levy for the period of May 1, 2021, to April 30, 2022, at their regular meeting on Monday night.
The ordinance authorizes the levy and collection of taxes for use by the city of Staunton. The amount of the levy is $658,613. The breakdown is: Insurance $145,000; Social Security $90,000; Recreation $17,000; IMRF $45,000; Band $1,000; and Library $76,000.
The council also approved an ordinance for a zoning text amendment for the city of Staunton regarding camping trailers and mobile homes.
In other business, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok reported that a certificate of deposit had recently matured at Bank of Hillsboro: Reserve Fund - $200,000 plus $2,415.87 interest.
City Clerk Dennis Steigemeier announced that the city clerk's office will be closed on Friday, Dec. 31, for the New Year’s holiday. All public works employees, except one water plant employee will be off that day as well.
It was also announced that the State of Illinois minimum wage increases from $11 to $12 per hour effective Jan. 1, 2022. This will increase hourly pay for three city of Staunton part-time employees.
In Utilities and Water, the council approved a renewal quote with Hach Co. for annual maintenance at the water treatment plant for $11,822. The starting date is Jan. 1 and the end date is Dec. 31, 2022.
The council also accepted a bid proposal from Midwest Municipal Supply for stainless steel water main repair clamps for $3,375.
In Personnel, Tammy Campbell was approved as the grant writer for the housing rehabilitation program.
The collector's report included the following:
Ameren Illinois - Utility tax $16,515.37;
State of Illinois - Sales tax $56,331.15; Income tax $38,676.77; Use tax $16,556.91; Video gaming tax $11,874.45; Telecommunications tax $5,362.44; Cannabis use tax $582.86;
Macoupin County treasurer - Real estate taxes $7,050.37; Real estate taxes-Library $870.77; Downtown TIF tax disbursement $450.57; Interstate TIF tax disbursement $567.31;
Staunton Super 8 Motel - Hotel/motel tax $1,763.89.
Claims included expenditures of $20,025.52; payroll of $58,331.57; and manual checks of $4,632.12.
A liquor license was issued to Blackbird Bakery.
Those present for the meeting were Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe, aldermen Rick Johnson, Jeff Scanzoni, John Moore, David Manning, and David Dias. Alderman Ryan Machota attended electronically. Aldermen Chad Plenske and Randy Hanks, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, and City Attorney Phil Lading were absent. The next city council meeting will be on Monday, Jan. 10, at 7 p.m.
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