Published in the Interest of the Staunton Community for Over 143 Years

Days Gone By In Staunton

Thursday, September 8, 1966 -- NURSING HOME PLANS EXPANSION-- Thursday, Sept. 1, marked the first anniversary of the opening of the Staunton Nursing Home, on which date the second annual interest payment to the holders of preferred stock was made.

The large number of admissions to this home during the past year emphasizes the need for such a facility in Staunton. The list of those who have made application for entrance into the home and the fact that Medicare benefits for nursing home care becomes effective on Jan. 1, 1967, indicates the need for the expansion of the local home to 50 beds, Plans for this expansion have been prepared, but are temporarily delayed due to governmental "red tape." However, it is hoped that construction on an addition will be started soon.

Don T. Barry, president of the corporation which operates the Staunton Nursing Home, expresses thanks in behalf of the management and the personnel at the home for the continued interest and cooperation from the community, and extends a cordial invitation to everyone to visit the home.

SPORTSMAN'S CLUB TO DISTRIBUTE QUAIL -- The Staunton Sportsman's Club, Inc., plans to release about 300 quail in this vicinity Saturday and Sunday. All members who want to participate in the distribution should call for the birds either Saturday or Sunday.

Members of the Club are reminded that a picnic for members and their families will be held Sunday at the Lake of Seven Fingers. Arrangements have been made for a pleasant time.

NEW TEACHERS HIRED FOR LOCAL SCHOOL -- The 1966-67 school term started last week, and several new teachers have taken their places with the public grade and high school faculties.

At the high school six new instructors have been employed. To help to introduce them to the community we mention their names and the subjects they will teach.

Robert Chiti, formerly a coach at Auburn high school, is the new industrial arts instructor, driver education instructor, and assistant football coach.

Larry Richardson, of Charleston, Ky., a graduate of Austin Peay State College, Clarksville, Tenn., will teach biology and earth science, and will also serve as freshman football coach.

Miss Elizabeth Allen, a former member of the high school faculty is back again and will serve as librarian.

Thomas Hackworth, formerly of Lexington, Ky., will teach algebra I and II. He taught in Ohio last year.

Ronald Rull, a resident of Hamel is the new social science teacher.

Dennis Glick, who was a member of the Virden high school faculty for the past two years, is the new guidance counselor.

The new teachers in the public grade school are:

Harold Palishen will be one of the junior high school teachers and will serve as the grade school athletic coach. He taught junior high classes in Benld last year.

Mrs. David Davison, who taught in the grade system here previously, has returned to teach third grade pupils.

Mrs. Lucille Killmar of this city will teach the afternoon kindergarten class. She has had teaching experience in the Edwardsville unit district.

Mrs. Nancy Bond, also of Staunton, will serve as a first grade teacher. She taught two years in the Edwardsville unit school district.

Thursday, September 15, 1966 -- LABOR TEMPLE WILL REOPEN FRIDAY EVE -- The Labor Temple Theatre, which has been closed for several weeks to complete some remodeling and renovation, will open with a program of motion pictures tomorrow ( Friday) evening.

Manager Louis Odorizzi has booked some fine attractions for the coming months, and these will be shown Friday and Saturday evenings, Sunday matinee and evening, and Monday evening.

ST. PAUL LADIES TO COOK APPLE BUTTER -- The Women's Fellowship of St. Paul United Church of Christ have made plans to cook apple butter on Wednesday, Sept. 21. This is an annual event, and the tasty product prepared by the ladies is always in great demand.

Advance orders for apple butter may be placed by calling Mrs. Dorothea Bird, NE5-2342.

SAW BULLDOG BAND ON TV IN GERMANY -- Sp 6 and Mrs. George Payad and children, who are residing in Mainz, Germany, where the former is stationed with the U.S. Armed Forces, have informed relatives here that they were privileged to see a rebroadcast over TV of the football game between the St. Louis Cardinals and Baltimore Colts, played at Busch Memorial Stadium in St. Louis on August 19. They were delighted to see the Staunton High School Marching Bulldogs, who put on the half-time show at the game. Sp.6 Payad is a son of Mr. and Mrs. George Payad and a brother of Harold Payad of Staunton.

FIRE DAMAGES HOME IN WORDEN -- The three-room home of a Worden family was badly damaged by fire Thursday evening, apparently started by burning trash. Worden firemen fought the blaze at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Dona for about an hour, then returned later to make sure it did not break out again.

A summer kitchen, a small separate building near the house and an enclosed porch on the house were completely destroyed. The rest of the house, including the roof and interior were badly damaged.

The family is staying with a son in Worden. The fire broke out about 6:00 p.m. Flames shot to the top of a tall cottonwood tree in the yard.

NEW DOUGLAS POST OFFICE ROBBED -- The New Douglas Post Office was broken into Wednesday night. A back door was forced open. The outer doors of the vault were torn off but the thieves failed to get the inner door open. About $6.00 in stamps were missing.

Thursday, September 29, 1966 -- DR. CHULICK WILL OPEN DENTAL OFFICE -- Dr. John W. Chulick, who has been practicing dentistry in Benld, will open his office in Staunton Saturday in the building at 114 North Hibbard St., formerly occupied by Dr. D.J. Maroso. Dr. Chulick is well known in our city, being the husband of the former Frances Cignetti of Staunton.


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